As much as I adore outfit and inspiration posts, I love when a blogger behind the blog shares some things about themselves, so I thought it would be fun to do just that! So here are some random facts:
1)My entire family is from Moscow, Russia and I’m first generation American. I do speak it fluently but it has gotten worse since I moved out a few years ago.
2)I have to eat at least a small piece of chocolate every single day. If not, I kind of freak out (lol).
3)I’ve lived in NYC my entire life and as much as I adore traveling and learning about other cultures, I currently cannot image being anywhere else.
4)I cannot start my day without a cup of coffee. I only drink 1-2 small cups a day, but it’s a must. I’m also a slight coffee snob.
5)Keith & I are college sweethearts. And I’ve had people notice my ring and ask if we’re engaged, which we are (have been for a few months).
6)I’m an only child but my friends are truly like my sisters.
7)When it comes to food, I am the least picky person. I will try anything once.
8)Movies I can never turn off: Mean Girls, The Departed and The Notebook
9)I love astrology and I’m a true and utter Libra.
10) My hair is naturally dark blonde but I do lighten it and prefer it that way.
If you guys have any additional questions, feel free to ask! 🙂
I’ll do a post answering some of them soon!
Abi Rose
loved this post,
we share the same taste in movies!
December 29, 2010Anna Jane
i love learning more about my favorite bloggers–so fun! i am loving your new header, too.
December 29, 2010Anonymous
it's nice to discover somenthing more about you:-)
December 29, 2010what did u study at college??what are your future projects? (job, children,etc XD)..
I love hearing about my fellow bloggers. I LOVE your new header. Who designed it?
December 29, 2010http://www.rushourfashion.com
The Beauty In Me
Lovely! I am Russian tooo!
I knew i had a feeling you were Russian, idk why!
Happy Holidays
December 29, 2010http://www.Twitter.com/Thebeautyinme3
Be your muse.
loved that post! =) I'd love to spend a year or so of my life living in NYC!
December 29, 2010ThE fAsHiOn WoRsHiPeR
Such a fun idea & super cute that you guys are college sweethearts 🙂
XoXo-Kelli K
December 29, 2010http://thefashionworshiper.blogspot.com
I love these types of posts! Congrats on the engagement!! That is awesome. I too each chocolate every single day! It is like drinking water with me. 🙂
xo Marcie
December 29, 2010dani@callitbeauty
congratulations on your engagement!
you're so lucky to be living in NYC. it's my favourite city ever and i hope to be able to move there one day 🙂
December 29, 2010Ira Petrova
it's nice to know more about you 🙂 i think every person consists of such cute little things
December 29, 2010Andee Layne
love the fun personal facts! xoxo I HAVE to have my coffee too 🙂
December 29, 2010Belen
LOVE the new header! It's so darling! I also have to have a piece of chocolate every day. It's an absolute necessity!
December 29, 2010Marella
Really interesting to know something more about you! Great post!
December 29, 2010Lola Finn
My family is from Russia, too 🙂
That´s why you are so beautiful!!!
Lovely Greets from Munich
December 29, 2010Lola
I need a piece of chocolate all the days too!!!
December 29, 2010I love the new look of the blog!!
Love your new header…I eat lots of chocolate EVERY day
December 29, 2010Sjaar
How cool of you to share this with us! some facts i didnt even know! Its really cool to read thanks. I allready wish you a happy 2011.
December 29, 2010vicky h.
love this! totally enjoy reading those as well! and your new header is soo amazing! so so much better than the old one and 100% you!!!
xox Vicky
December 29, 2010Bikinis & Passports
Didn't know you had russian origin. I'm Ukrainian trying to build my life in England. Kinda hard but it's worth it.
December 29, 2010Sabina
Я вообще не знала что ты русская! :)) Потому ты такая красивая, хаха, мы девочки из Восточной Европы просто замечательные ;))) Мой будущий муж тоже русский, но он из Сибири. Мне очень нравится твой сайт – надеюсь что ты мне ответишь :))) Если у тебя достаток время, ты бы могла мне немножко помочь с моим русским (только если хочешь, конечно! :)))
Stop by my blog if you find the time – comments&followers much appreciated <3
December 29, 2010Angga
Great post!! I cant believe you are the first generation!!! That is awesome!! I also moved here to US but obviously not the first generation lol
December 29, 2010great post thanks for sharing
you are soooo cute! i stumbled upon your blog on bloglovin, and i am now following your blog! you seem like such a sweet person!
December 29, 2010M I N G
I love NYC!
December 29, 2010Stay fabulous.
loooooool i have the chocolate issue thing too xoxo
December 29, 2010Ronisha
I love your post we have a lot in common due to I'm a Libra 2 🙂
December 30, 2010Jessica
i love it when my favorite bloggers write posts like this! Where did you go to college?
December 30, 2010Karen
This was a great post, i had no idea your family was Russian and i love the new header! 🙂
December 30, 2010LuLu
Great post! =)
December 30, 2010Beautygirl24
It was nice learning more about you! I am an only child as well 😉
December 30, 2010Sabina
Congrats on your engagement. And I'm with you on 2, 4 and 7!
December 30, 2010Michelle Chic
love your new header!
December 30, 2010jada and jon
I'm a natural blond too, but like mine lightened.
December 30, 2010Supergirl
Great post, hun!:)
December 30, 2010PS. I love your new header!!
S and O
Russian that is pretty cool!
I know this post wasn't about your outfit but I like your top anyway 😀
December 30, 2010Sarah
Sincerely Me
Very Interesting..
December 30, 2010Monique
Thanks for sharing…I love your blog and style!!
I have two questions: Do you work in anything fashion related? and Where did you get your pretty Chanel bags?
December 30, 2010Monique
Maybe a question you won't like: what's your age?
Who takes your pictures?
How long have Keith and you've been together?
My boyfriend and I are Highschool and college sweethearts. We actually never felt a sparkle during highschool (or at least I didn't :)) but when we went to college we already became a couple in the first week. We've been together for 5 and a half years now. At the moment I'm getting my third master degree so I look forward to next year 🙂 without any examens and studying.
December 30, 2010Ria
Awww I like your littler blurbs. So cute. I can never turn off Mean Girls either by the way. I used to have to have diet coke in the morning. Now I'm broken of that. I want to start having water with lemon because it's so good for you.
December 30, 2010GlamorousGirl
tanks for sharing! love ur blog 🙂 soo,when is the wedding?????
December 30, 2010follow me on:
I loved this post! It's so great to be able to know you better!!!!!!
December 30, 2010I can never turn off Mean Girls and The Notebook either btw 😉
We're so similar dear!
A big kiss!
December 30, 2010Val V.
you are great!!
I love chocolate too and every day eat some hehe.
and tea is so necesary in my life haha, but… coffee is my favorite 🙂
December 30, 2010xoxo
Maggie ☮
aw that's really sweet 🙂
I'm curious as to what you do (as far as jobs) 😀
December 30, 2010Fashiable
Beautiful photo!
December 30, 2010Estefania Lovelifefashion
I loved this post, is nice to know something more about you 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
December 30, 2010You are proud to be a New Yorker, I would love to be from NY too LOL
I hope you have a great New Years Eve 😉
It's always fun to get to know a fellow blogger a little more. thanks for sharing! I have a foster daughter that lives in the Ukraine, I'm the same with chocolate and coffee! So there…we have a few things in common besides our love for fashion. Great post Helena!
December 30, 2010http://www.wewhoshop.wordpress.com
Wow! Your family is from Russia? I myself from Russia! Interestingly, very much:) But to live in Russia, Moscow may be difficult.
December 30, 2010Sarah
I'm addicted to chocolate as well!! 😉
xoxo Sarah
December 30, 2010Liesl
Loved this post! Congrats on your engagement!!
December 31, 2010Rebecca from See You in Sweden
I am so in with you on the chocolate and I go lighter than my natural blonde too, much more fun and brightens your complexion I think! Oh, and I'll try anything once too, it's exciting. I've even some bizarre things though, haha.
December 31, 2010Rebecca from See You in Sweden
p.s. LOVE the new header, it has a new york feel to it i think
December 31, 2010Lana
Love those kind of posts & love the new header!
I hope you don't mind I did a similar post, which will be up tomorrow.. It links back to your blog!
Have a great time celebrating tonight!
December 31, 2010http://favouriteghosts.blogspot.com/
So pretty!
December 31, 2010Love your hair!
Shirley Stamou - Garotas Modernas
Lovely post!
January 1, 2011xoxo from Brazil
I also like it when people share stuff about their lives. Your information was very interesting.
Last night, I was in Brooklyn visiting a Russian-immigrant friend who came here a decade ago and is building a makeup-company (LimeCrime). My father was an immigrant so I have great sympathy for the struggles people face coming from other places.
And I love "The Notebook" too!
January 4, 2011Charee Lenee'
Great idea… DEF gonna use this! Thanks for the idea! 🙂 Also, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your header, I've been trying to get Hubby to do mine similiar for quite sometime, I keep telling him that RED silhouette sitting on MY name should be ME!! LOL Now I can show him exactly what I mean. LOL LOL LOL Happy New Year!
January 4, 2011nikkb
You have great style and a carefree sensibility that I like!! I also love New York but have never lived there!!! I live in California. : )
February 16, 2011