With the launch of the new DKNY, MYNY fragrance, I was asked to share my New York story. For those of you who’ve been following this blog for some time, know that my story goes far back into the early 80’s. After my parents immigrated here from Moscow, Russia, they ended up in Far Rockaway, Queens. That’s where I spent my life from birth to early adulthood. This was back when the subway cars looked like this and Run D.M.C. (now considered the most influential hip hop group ever) was blasted on every corner of Queens. It was such a different city than it is today, neither in a good way or bad, just so different.Till this day, no other place inspires me like this city. There’s always something to do, no matter what the hour, always somewhere to go and always something new to discover. Below, sharing some recent snaps, strolls and adventures of the MYNY.

Hanging at the Dream Downtown pool, on one of our hot summer days. 

Brunching at Cafe Gitane

Feeling happy after bike riding through the city during Summer Streets. So much fun!

{The beautiful Upper West Side} Earlier this year, I made a promise that I would really explore other parts of the city and not just my usual neighborhoods. Back when I was in college, I was interning at ABC Daytime and spent so much time up here. Now, I don’t take advantage enough and been really trying to make a conscious effort to change that.

Having a Whole Foods in Brooklyn, right near our work studio, has been the best! Love coming here to grab a healthy lunch and sit on the outside patio. 

A stroll through one of my favorite streets in the city, Sullivan Street in the West Village. 

A walk through Ruthy’s Bakery in Chelsea. I have to admit, I’ve never tasted these actual cupcakes, but they sure are cute.

Sasa Zoe
The DKNY looks really cool! Love the pictures of our city NY. I really enjoyed summer streets<3
August 19, 2014jenn from much to my delight
I love that you grew up in Far Rock–you're a true New Yorker! I'm an adopted daughter, but it feels like I've always been here. Great photos, and agreed–it's great to stretch out of your regular neighborhood and explore others. The great thing about living here is that you're never done exploring. Enjoy the rest of this lovely summer here!
August 19, 2014Gabriela
All the cliches about New York are true- there really is nowhere like it in the world. I lived on that stretch of Sullivan when I was at NYU- my building is justtt out of view!
August 19, 2014Kristi
Loving these great shots! You're making me miss NYC so much…
xx, Kristi
August 19, 2014http://www.currentlycrushing.com
Joana Sá
Amazing photos
Kiss kiss.*Jo
August 19, 2014http://joandcompanystyle.blogspot.com/
Wishes & Reality
There is no other city like NYC! Great photos.
Heidi D.
August 19, 2014http://www.wishesandreality.com
Rach Dulay
Great photos! I'll be in NYC in a couple of weeks!
August 19, 2014Style Sprinter
Thanks for sharing your story, Helena! Funny thing: I grew up in Russia and Run D.M.C. became popular there only in the 90s. Actually, there were a lot of things that came to the former USSR with the delay. My dad always says "if there is gonna be the end of the world, I will come to live in Russia – everything comes there 20 years later" 🙂
August 19, 2014By the way, here is my New York story: http://stylesprinter.com/the-moment-i-became-a-new-yorker/ It is a different story if compared to yours: I grew up in Russia and just recently realized that I am a New Yorker.
Great post. Love the pics. I have to go back to NYC – such a great city!
Adela x
August 19, 2014FASHION SNAG
Those cookies look so yummy!
August 19, 2014Anne-Mari
New York looks so gorgerous in these photos! Now I wish I could just fly to New York right away 😀
August 19, 2014Krizia
You are so lucky to be living in NYC!
x Krizia
Shark Attack – Fashion Blog
August 19, 2014Liz | Shopping My Closet
Thanks for the shots of NYC – a city like no other!
Liz @ ShoppingMyCloset.com
August 19, 2014Come by! Weekly Style Me Wednesday fashion blog link-up
Elizabeth Hawn
those cupcakes look so good!
August 19, 2014Erika K
Beautiful pictures! I love them! Especially the first one! 🙂Fashion Passion by Erika
August 19, 2014Ray Neon
OMG! Those pics are amazing. One day I will be there, it's my dream
Beijos, Raissa Galvão ♥
August 19, 2014Ray Neon blog|FanPage
some truly wonderful photos! makes me wanna go on a vacation
August 19, 2014Nicole Layne
Love these photos and seeing some of your favorite parts of the city! Those cupcakes look amazing!
August 19, 2014Nicole to the Nines
thanks for sharing your experience.
looks amazing
love the photos
e d i o t
August 19, 2014NotJessFashion
Love all your photos!
August 19, 2014Kelli Marie
Love the city shots! These are amazing! You are right, there's something about the city that is so inspiring! I can't wait to go visit NYC! =)
August 19, 2014http://www.blog.bodeoo.com
Monica L.
Wow, the photos are so cool!:)
August 19, 2014http://sunstreetmonidesign.blogspot.com
Cristina Gomez
Cool photos! The Sesame Street cupcakes are so cute, I'd feel bad eating them 🙂
August 19, 2014CHAMA FASHION
Lovely photos!!
August 19, 2014http://www.chamafashion.com
Alela Sirah
You make New York look so easy breezy!
August 19, 2014http://www.fashionablyspeakn.com/2014/08/meet-cast-stylish-comfort.html
Ils espèrent électeurs aux tendances conservatrices vont exprimer leur robe de mariée princesse colère en soutenant Ukip, puis voir sens. La perspective d'un leadership mal après le vote a été annulé parce que même les conservateurs qui se promenait à travers le feu pour se débarrasser de M. Cameron reconnaissent qu'il n'existe pas d'alternative qui ferait un concours vaut la peine, même si elles pourraient rassembler les votes.
August 20, 2014Soyez assuré que l'achat de vêtements de bal cru à travers l'Internet ne va pas être un problème. Vous avez juste à être robe pour mariage un peu prudent. Commande du Net vous apporte commodité et d'économie, aussi. Parcourir Articles Vidéos par CategoryFood DrinkHobbies, Jeux ToysHi, c'est Marisa Martino, Co fondateur de skinney Medspa à New York, ville. Et c'est comment faire pour supprimer les taches de vieillesse sur le nez. Taches de vieillesse ou hyperpigmentation est causé par le soleil.
Pourquoi ne pas lancer une campagne pour amener les automobilistes à respecter les usagers vulnérables de la route au lieu de blâmer la victime? Il est effectivement très dangereux d'avoir des gens de mettre leur foi en l'idée délirante que le casque sera en quelque sorte sauver leur vie quand il ya toute une série de preuves pour suggérer le contraire. En outre, des études ont montré que les automobilistes donnent le port du casque aux cyclistes moins de place car ils pensent à tort le cycliste sera protégé si ils les ont frappés. En outre, dans les pays où les casques ont été rendus obligatoires, les niveaux de cyclisme ont baissé car cela met hors de nombreux cyclistes potentiels car il rend le vélo semble beaucoup plus dangereux qu'il ne l'est en réalité (il n Comme il est dans les numéros de la recherche montre que la robe de soirée grande taille sur mesure proportion des blessures à la tête ne pas tomber, mais le nombre de cyclistes fait.
Cher proie: Vous alliez au magasin d'alcool dans un bar, emballage plus d'alcool pour la maison, qui sonne comme vous avez un problème d'alcool. Une façon ça se manifeste un comportement moyen, le mensonge et jouer avec le cœur des femmes. Boire fait probablement vous plus prolixe, et pour rendre les choses vont bien au lit, vous dire des mensonges sur les émotions que vous ne vous sentez pas.
Soyez assuré que l'achat de vêtements de bal cru à travers l'Internet ne va pas être un problème. Vous avez juste à être robe pour mariage un peu prudent. Commande du Net vous apporte commodité et d'économie, aussi. Parcourir Articles Vidéos par CategoryFood DrinkHobbies, Jeux ToysHi, c'est Marisa Martino, Co fondateur de skinney Medspa à New York, ville. Et c'est comment faire pour supprimer les taches de vieillesse sur le nez. Taches de vieillesse ou hyperpigmentation est causé par le soleil.
Such a cute post! Love your Instagram snaps. XO
August 20, 2014Laura Mitbrodt
I love all of these photos! They make me want to go to NY again
August 20, 2014xo
Edie's Closet
Great post! Love the pics
August 20, 2014Am2Pm Chic
Great post.
August 20, 2014pipa
Nice post!!!Great pics!!!
August 20, 2014Vanessa
stunning photos!
August 20, 2014TheVogueWord
Sweets & Style
Beautiful photos! Looks like a fun day! Would love to taste the cupcakes:-)))
August 20, 2014XX
Maja Wilki
Wow, it's my dream to go to New York! It's so beautiful:) X
August 20, 2014Aurélia
J'aime beaucoup ton post ! moi qui vit en France je rêve d'aller dans ta ville !
August 20, 2014je viens de découvrir ton joli blog. J'aime beaucoup
Living in NYC is my dream, you must be so happy 🙂 Love the pictures! XX
August 20, 2014lila
Great change must have been taken place there, I can see how wonderful it is now.
August 23, 2014Stacy
What a goooorgeous photos! I want to visit NY soooo much!!!!
August 24, 2014Monique Lhuillier SS15 Backstage Fashion Show | Style Sprinter
[…] family came to the U.S. from Moscow (read a story about Helena’s family history in her post “MYNY (DKNY)”). I also congratulated Keiko on her new tattoo that I consider to be very adorable (check it out […]
November 20, 2016