I first learned about GG crackers after listening to Tanya Zuckerbrot, founder of the F-Factor diet, on the Skinny Confidential podcast. Such a good episode so if you’re into that sort of thing, I highly recommend giving it a listen.
The F-Factor diet is basically a weight-loss/lifestyle plan that is based on scientifically proven fiber-rich nutrition. Since incorporating Tanya’s approach to my own lifestyle, I’ve felt slimmer, less bloated and I’ve even managed to lose 2-3 lbs without really trying. I’ve always been a fairly healthy eater, but by making a few minor tweaks to how I already eat, it has been a real game changer.
What are GG Crackers?
So why the crackers? Basically, GG crackers are a high fiber cracker that were first created to help people with digestive problems (basically, they clean you out). They have the highest dietary fiber (4g per piece), minimal ingredients and only 12 calories a slice. Personally, I’ve never been able to do straight protein, especially in the morning. I’ve always needed the addition of carbs to feel full. In the past, I might have eaten a slice of Ezekiel bread or a Vans waffle with almond butter or eggs, but for the past few months, I’ve been swapping the bread for GG crackers. I’ve been trying to follow Tanya’s approach of combining protein and fiber. She explains that we need roughly 35 grams of fiber a day. Most of us don’t even get half of that! Maybe it doesn’t happen for every meal, but I do the best that I can. Molly Sims even blogged about the crackers here, in 2012!
What I love most about these crackers is that by swapping out most of my high carb choices for GG crackers, particularly by combining high fiber + protein, my body just feels better and from a digestive standpoint, my stomach feels flatter than ever. Like I said, I’ve always been a fairly healthy eater (I typically try to live by the 80/20 approach), but this has just taken how I feel to the next level.
I always buy them in bulk! I actually find that I go through them rather quickly, especially if I throw them in my bag for the day or if I’m traveling. I’ve been known to replace the high-carb bread option for these crackers. For example: two weeks ago, I was at the airport and didn’t have time to pack a bag full of food (something I normally do). However, I did throw a few packages of GG crackers in my bag so I’d at least be able to make some better food choices. I bought a turkey sandwich, but instead of eating it with the bread it came on, I replaced the bread with these crackers. The result: I’m getting more nutrition, the fiber and protein is keeping me feeling full and I don’t get the bloated feeling that normally happens after I eat a lot of carbs.
What Flavor?
These crackers do come in several flavors, and I do have all of them, but the Bran version is the best in terms of fiber, carbs, calories and sugar. Yes, it’s also the most bland of them all, but overtime, it probably won’t even bother you. Yes, they are boring on their own, but they do serve as a great vehicle for other things.
Topping Ideas:
Cream cheese (or cream cheese alternative like Kite Hill scallion), smoked salmon, onion, lemon and dill.
Scrambled eggs or healthy egg salad (3 egg whites/1 yolk, dill, mustard, greek yogurt, salt pepper).
Almond butter with mashed raspberries on top. If I’ve consumed too much almond butter in a day, something that happens often, I’ll replace butter with PB2.
Avocado and for added protein, you can add an egg.
Turkey, mustard, lettuce, tomato and onion.
The possibilities are kind of endless! If you follow Tanya Zuckenberg on instastories, she often shares a lot of great recipes.
In the past, I’ve purchased them from Amazon, but I’ve found they’re cheaper on Walmart. (Disclaimer: in order to get free shipping, you have to spend $35). I’ve also been told that you could find them at Whole Foods or some health food stores.
A Few Notes:
*Tanya recommends eating four crackers for breakfast, which will ensure you feel full until lunch. Four crackers has 80 calories and 16grams of fiber!
*These crackers are not gluten free, but because of the high fiber content, they’re very low in gluten and net carbs.
*One major thing to keep in mind with these and fiber in general, make sure you are drinking a ton of water!
Thanks for the review! I’ve been meaning to buy these crackers ever since I saw them on your Insta Stories. Love you always share good things with us!
February 5, 2018Jae
I eat GG Crackers too and love the. They are bland and take some time to get used to but they are so good for you that that thought always out weighs any thoughts on taste. I like to put turkey and mustard on mine in the afternoons.
February 5, 2018http://www.forthewonderer.com
Based on your recommendation, I’ve been eating GG crackers with peanut butter and banana for breakfast for the past few weeks and only 2 crackers fill me up until lunch! I’ve found that I am more full throughout the day, and I’ve found that it has really helped with my digestive system. I’ve struggled with, er, consistency in the past and this has helped out A LOT. Thanks for the tips on toppings! I’ve got to broaden my choices for sure!
February 5, 2018Helena
Caitlin, I’m so happy to hear that! I completely agree with all of that. Such a game changer!
February 5, 2018Rach
Thank you for sharing this! I’ve been seeing you eat these GG crackers but didn’t quite understand them. I might need some of these crackers!
February 5, 2018chrissy
I love the GG scanbran crackers too! I discovered them a few years back through my favorite soulcycle instructor. I usually do almond butter and chia seeds for a sweet version and hummus/cucumber/sliced tomato or mashed avo/lime for a savory version. They’re absolutely delicious!
February 5, 2018Anika
Lovely review! They sound really tasty and look so great! Definitely going to see if I can get some!
Anika | anikamay.co.uk
February 5, 2018Francine
Thank you for this post. Good info as usual. I love hearing what people eat and tips are always helpful. But I confess to having tried a similar cracker from Trader Joe’s and couldn’t get past the blandness. (But I’m also not that into crackers/breads in general.) My faves….I usually drink a Muscle Milk Lite (non-diary, 100 calories, 20g of protein, 4g of fiber) at about 9am and it holds me til lunch. Another favorite are those low carb tortillas from Mission. Again, good amount of protein and oodles of fiber, 16g. They are soft and chewy and perfect with PBFit and Polaner all fruit. Granted, they are 100 calories vs 15 for the crackers
February 5, 2018I do have a Sprouts nearby, so I’ll pop in and see if they have your GGs!
mhm this looks so yummi
February 5, 2018http://www.thevogueword.com
I just ordered these from Amazon after seeing you speak so positively about them in your Insta stories. I am excited to try them and love all of your suggestions for toppings – thanks for sharing the ideas!
February 5, 2018Julia Goodwill
Hi, Helena, thanks so much, found them at Whole Foods.
February 5, 2018Fatou Diaw
Yum! love the recipe
February 6, 2018xx
Glory of the Snow
These fiber crackers look and sound amazing! Thye are a great alternative for bread! Thanks for sharing!
February 6, 2018Jandrew
Thanks for another tool in my arsenal of weight control ideas . There is no magic bullet but all things can make a difference. Thanks
February 6, 2018Jandrew
Dress The Part
chrissy galifianakis
by the way, just ordered a 15 pack on JET.COM for a great deal if anyone is interested in purchasing!
February 27, 2018Alden
Thanks Helena – just tried for this first time this morning with organic, chunky peanut butter.
Quick question and off-topic – where did you get the mugs featured in the photo at the top of this post? Love them and am on the hunt for new every-day mugs.
March 5, 2018Alden
de aluguel"#############
i love it
April 23, 2018The Book That Has Totally Changed The Way I Eat – wit & whimsy
[…] eating GG Crackers a lot. (You may have spotted them all over Instagram. Helena was the one who convinced me to pull the trigger though!) While these aren’t gluten free, […]
May 8, 2018ssc coaching in dehradun
thanks for this post
July 28, 2018Maths coaching classes in dehradun
i really like this post
July 28, 2018Anna Hassan
I’ve never heard of GG crackers. Thanks for the info
May 26, 2019