Mid-Rise Denim Legging: Express c/o | Top: Express c/o | Shoes: Manolo Blahnik | Frames: Madewell (similar) | Nails: Deborah Lippmann ‘Stop & Stare’ | Lips: MAC Pink Nouveau
After spotting a head-to-toe grey outfit in a magazine the other day, which also happened to incorporate a polka dot button down, I could not get the look out of my head. A few days later, I popped into Express and pretty much found the outfit I stored away in my mental pinterest board. I love when that happens!
As far as the glasses, I normally wear contacts and sometimes do give my poor eyes a rest with my prescription frames, but in this case, these were simply an accessory. I couldn’t resist adding them to top off this (mostly) grey outfit.
Hope you all have a great weekend! Summer is rapidly flying by, so really trying to make the most out of what’s left of it.
Photos by Keith Hodne
Shades of gray. Why not?
/ Avy
August 15, 2014Gabriela
I absolutely adore the top + topknot + glasses combo. Has me thinking of back to school!
August 15, 2014Emma H
I always have a hard time styling glasses, but it looks super cute with the grey and red!
August 15, 2014emmastyleguide.blogspot.com
Cherish Doornewaard
Love this simple outfit. Perfect for during the day.
August 15, 2014Anonymous
Grey is always a good idea and the red heels just add a little twist to the outfit 🙂
August 15, 2014Hope you're having a wonderful weekend,
Gray and red look lovely together! And I totally do that with my glasses sometimes too. I really only need them when I'm going to read or look at a computer for a long time, but if they look cute with my outfit I keep them on 🙂
~Sarah of Sarah's Real Life
August 15, 2014Brittany
I always feel awkward buying framed glasses when I'm really blind and wear contacts lol
This outfit is adorable and Pinterest is all about inspiration! I love it when they give me outfit ideas too!
Brittany x
August 15, 2014http://www.BrillianceOfB.com
Sabina B.
Love the shoes great pop of color!
August 15, 2014Natali
Grey looks great on you and the pop of red was just perfect choice for shoes 🙂
August 15, 2014Revital
great post! I really like the top
August 15, 2014Sasa Zoe
Absolutely love Grey. I'm wearing grey today too:)
August 15, 2014dipped in yellow
love this quirky look! x
dipped in yellow
August 15, 2014Rach Dulay
The polka dot top is adorable! Love the different shades of grey!
August 15, 2014Liz | Shopping My Closet
You look great in the head to toe greys!
Liz @ ShoppingMyCloset.com
August 15, 2014Come by! Weekly Style Me Wednesday fashion blog link-up
Love the polka dots on grey! I think this look is such a chic way to do polka dots – classy and bautiful. And the pop of red in the shoe is spot on. Gorgeous look that you've pulled together so nicely!
August 15, 2014Tamia
Great outfit.
August 15, 2014Elizabeth Hawn
love this grey look
August 15, 2014Diana
Super cute look! You always look so chic.
August 15, 2014xoxo, Diana
Wishes and Reality
Love, love, love this! Those heels are the perfect pop of color.
Heidi D.
August 15, 2014http://www.wishesandreality.com
Melissa Tierney
Love the pop of red with the gray! Gorgeous
August 15, 2014xo,
Enter The Sparkle Republic Jewelry Giveaway–> http://bit.ly/1pWM8k2
Love the grey & red!
August 15, 2014Linda Quinones
I love a monochrome look with a pop of color. Those shoes are amazing and compliment the all grey outfit perfectly.
August 15, 2014FASHION SNAG
Love the gray look on you!
August 15, 2014ravenlocks
Love this outfit! I like that you wore pink lipstick with it. I don't know why, but I think it's lovely with gray. The top is cute, too.
xo Azu
August 15, 2014Nicole Layne
I'm so excited about gray for fall and can't wait to get a pair of gray skinnies. I love this outfit on you, especially the pop of red shoes!
August 15, 2014Nicole to the Nines
Kacie Cone
Perfection!! Those heels look gorgeous with this look, loving that pop of red!
August 15, 2014Manpreet Kaur
That outfit looks awesome. It's simple yet stylish. Great choice 🙂
August 15, 2014http://www.finixpost.com
Berty Morales
What an amazing look, and love this shade of grey!
August 15, 2014Mad For Fashion For Less
Become a Fashion Fan: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mad-For-Fashion-For-Less/310725935696887
Rachel from RoseTintedHome
Must buy red pumps. Must buy red pumps. Completely understated yet draws attention. Love it!
xo Rachel
August 15, 2014Temi Truly
I've been wanting to get this blouse! Love how it looks on you!
❤ Temi Truly
August 15, 2014New Blog Post: Workout Gear
Mei Fleming
Beautiful grey. The pop of red is stunning.
August 15, 2014Jenny Tsang
Such a cute dotted shirt 😉
xo Jenny
August 15, 2014❤ Tsangtastic.com
Kiwi Fashion Blog
Oh Helena you look so different with glasses, a VERY good different that is! Grey suites you really well with your gorgeous blonde hair. Could you share with us how did you achieve such perfect hair-bun?
August 15, 2014Christina Storm
Love this look! Those grey skinnies look amazing on you!
The Style Storm
August 15, 2014<3, Christina
Grey is such a great shade to accent with that fabulous pop of color! xx
August 15, 2014Alena
Love this blouse and red pumps!
August 15, 2014http://www.alenamorena.com/
Sweets & Style
You look stunning in glasses! Love your grey look;-)
August 15, 2014Christine de Leon
i just happen to have those frames. great outfit!
from – The Lion's Den
August 15, 2014Irina Bond
Love the pop of red in your shoes and nails!
xo, Irina
August 15, 2014http://www.BondGirlGlam.com
Girl and the Polka Dot
Amazing look! Love everything about it!
August 15, 2014phianatomy
I think it is a perfect combination! Your blog is great!
August 15, 2014Laura Mitbrodt
I love these glasses and the blouse!
August 16, 2014xo
Lovely shirt!
August 16, 2014XO
Am2Pm Chic
Lovely look.
August 16, 2014Rory
Love the gray on gray…perfect with that pop of red at the bottom 🙂
August 16, 2014Miss Pippi
Lovely blouse! When seeing such beautiful glasses I regret having my eyes operated and wish I still had to wear glasses.
August 16, 2014Cristina Gomez
I love the outfit, the pop of red is a great idea. I wear contacts and glasses too, I do avoid the latter as much as I can… However, they look great on you!
August 16, 2014Lubna Omar
That's a gorgeous grey on grey outfit and love how you matched it with pink pumps. x
Lubna | ELLE VOX
August 16, 2014Kristina
This outfit is so classy, love it!
August 16, 2014http://thekontemporary.blogspot.de
Jay Brown
You are truly my "skinny jean and heel" style ICON!! Youre a Modern classic!!! I just purchased the legging jeans from EXPRESS minutes ago, fits like a glove!!! LOVE THEM Grey is actually my favorite color for fall (and in general) Love the side zippers, another of my faves. #ICON
August 17, 2014Rebecca - Hello Creative Blog
The grey with red is so classic. I have always loved red accents with black…but I think I like the grey even better!!
August 17, 2014Vale ♥
The touch of red with the grey look is adorable, you look wonderful
Fashion and Cookies
August 17, 2014Facebook / G+ / Bloglovin
Lovely look 🙂
August 17, 2014Joana Sá
You look chic in this grey outfit
Kiss kiss.*Jo
August 17, 2014http://joandcompanystyle.blogspot.com/
Amazing. You're beautiful and this ren lipstick is so cool. 🙂
August 17, 2014xx
Deanna Glazebrook
August 17, 2014Because I'm Obsessed
This is such a great outfit, love how you kept everything in grey.
xx Cheyenne
August 18, 2014http://www.bohemianjourneys.blogspot.com
Great option for everyday with right-balanced classic items!
August 18, 2014http://fashionpeekaboo.com
Lara Tura
Lovely look!
August 18, 2014Sign up for special AHKA store priviledges
Ketty henry
You are looking beautiful in this outfit but i love the most is your Mid-Rise Denim Legging.
Cheap Formal Dresses
August 18, 2014Maggie A
Love this look.
August 18, 2014Maggie A
Body bebe
I absolutely adore the top. love this grey look.
August 18, 2014Comtesse Sofia
This outfit is amazing, very working girl!! And I love the red heels!!
August 18, 2014New Post on my blog about trendy hairstyles, don't hesitate to take a look 😉
Comtesse Sofia
Afolabi Tosyne
I love how simple and cute the whole look is
August 18, 2014http://www.tosyne101.wordpress.com
Lindsay Truax
Cute outfit. Love the shoes.
August 18, 2014Cynthia Toro
Just picked up that portofino – thanks for the inspo 🙂
Cyn from popofcyn.com
August 18, 2014Cecil Vedemil
I really liked how you put together the outfit. btw I Love your glasses 🙂
Cecil xx // http://www.wednesday19th.blogspot.com
August 18, 2014Kate Dunphy
Loving this monochromatic look, especially with a fun pop of red! And those polka dots add a playful vibe!
August 18, 2014Krizia
The top is too cute!
x Krizia
Shark Attack – Fashion Blog
August 18, 2014Anonymous
I bought the jeans! Don't think they will look as fab on me but thanks for the inspiration!
August 18, 2014PS Lily Boutique
Gorgeous look! Love the gray and red 🙂
August 19, 2014Lily
Love the topknot and pop of red!
August 19, 2014That Curious Cat
love those heels!!!:))
August 19, 2014Star 邵
You are looking very beautiful in this outfit. http://www.bbrautkleid.com/
August 19, 2014Denina Martin
You look different but in such a fantastic way!
Denina xx
August 19, 2014http://deninamartin.com
You make even the simplest outfit look chic!
Adela x
August 19, 2014NotJessFashion
I am in love with this look! Great styling!
August 19, 2014神笔马良
Ich jederzeit brauchen. Das spart Ballkleider online mir eine Menge Zeit, von der Fahrt in einen Laden, Graben durch Verkaufsständer, um im Einklang stehend. Ungewisse Sports haben Internet-Shopping so sicher wie oder sicherer als den Besuch einer Geschäft gemacht. Was ist kalt Porzellanerde? Es ist eine flexible Mischung, die in verschiedenen Formen und Ausführungen geformt werden kann. Es ist für verschiedene Handwerksprojekte verwendet werden, um Blütenblätter, Blätter, Puppen, Anhänger usw. Kalte Porzellan ist nichts, wie die echten Porzellan zu machen, denn wie, nachdem das Gemisch hergestellt wird, brauchen Sie nicht Hitze, um den Ton in verschiedenen Formen entsprechen .
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Wärmeres Wetter bedeutet große Sommerspaß für Kinder, aber steigende Temperaturen können auch dazu führen, Erschöpfung bei Kindern heizen, wenn die entsprechenden Vorsichtsmaßnahmen nicht getroffen werden. Hitzeerschöpfung ist ein Anliegen für jeden in der Sommerzeit, aber kleine Kinder haben ein erhöhtes Risiko für Hitzeerkrankungen, nach den Centers for Disease Control. Um Ihre Kinder sicher in diesem Sommer, sollten Sie die folgenden Tipps, um zu verhindern, Hitzschlag:. Brautkleider 2014
Gekauft meinem Freund ein paar Hemden, die angeblich 2x zu sein wurden. Er ist ein großer Kerl. Hatte zu spenden beide Shirts. Menschen in der Regel lieben, was sie kaufen, aber sie zwei Drittel ihrer Inhalte Schrank hassen. Dies ist einer der Hauptgründe, warum Kunden sind versucht, Kleidung in regelmäßigen Abständen zu kaufen. Der Goodwill von Ihrem Geschäft und Kundenbindung hängt von Ihnen ab.
8. Satin Hochzeits DressIf diese waren billiger, würde ich völlig Snap es. Dieses Kleid wird von Tony Chase, einem Designer-Stars wie Liz Taylor und Bette Midler entwickelt, und es hat einige wirklich wunderbare Details. Aber in der mindestens schockierende Nachricht, die Sie das ganze Jahr hören, Republikanern fehlt sowohl die Absicht und die Fähigkeit, eine weniger kämpferische Ansatz zur Gesundheitsreform zu verabschieden. Sie mag, wie die letzten drei Monate des Jahres 2013 politisch (3 Wochen eine Regierung Abschaltung abweichend!) Entfaltet und was sie können tun, um 2014 sehen aus wie die. Wahrscheinlich haben sie auch finanzieren die Regierung und die Schuldengrenze zu erhöhen, brautkleid bleibt brautkleid ohne die Einladung, um die Krisen zu Obamacare konzentriert Medien zu halten..
August 20, 2014Emily
I'm OBSESSED with this grey top — I need it ASAP! You look fab. XO
August 20, 2014SweetCandyDreamer
I love this outfit! Great pop of red! x
August 20, 2014Eea
Love the combination of colors.
Eea P
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