Button Down: Current/Elliott | Jeans: Paige ‘Edgemont’ | Necklaces: Gorjana, Bauble Bar and Flea Market. Similar wishbone necklace here. | Cuff: Hermes | Nails: Essie ‘Urban Jungle’
A few years back, I was all about layering my dainty gold necklaces and for whatever reason, I stopped. Mainly, because more than half of my collection got tangled in a mess (which is still hanging out in a ziplock bag, in my dresser) and only recently, I got a few new ones to play around with. One is a flea market find, one is from Gorjana and the other, from Bauble Bar.
Stay tuned for the full outfit next week!
PS: If anyone has any miracle advice on how to untangle a bunch of necklaces, would totally appreciate it! I’ve tried countless times, but no luck. I refuse to give up!
lovely necklaces!
August 1, 2014Liz | Shopping My Closet
I think it's probably more patience than anything – unfortunately, I have no tricks! Love the necklaces you're wearing!
Liz @ ShoppingMyCloset.com
August 1, 2014Style Me Wednesday blog link-up
Fabulous necklaces and bracelet!
August 1, 2014Gabriela
Take long necklaces to a jeweler to untangle! They charge a bit if you don't have a relationship with them (my mom's jeweler does her for free, but I've always paid), but it's so worth it for a nice necklace that's really really knotted!
August 1, 2014BrooklynBlonde
good tip! I'll definitely do that!
August 1, 2014Melissa Tierney
Love those layered necklaces. So pretty!
August 1, 2014xo,
That is a lovely necklace and shirt.
CHECK OUT MY NEW POST http://www.sapphirebrushstrokes.com/2014/07/sapphire-brushstrokes-on-instagram.html?m=1
August 1, 2014Cristina Gomez
Loving the Hermes bracelet!
August 1, 2014Lisa
I love your style đ
What nail polish are you wearing in the first picture?
August 1, 2014Best regards from Austria!
Hi Lisa! I just updated the post. It's Essie 'Urban Jungle' đ
August 1, 2014Lisa
alright, thanks a lot đ
August 2, 2014Lindsay Truax
Love your outfit, especially the necklaces!
August 1, 2014Hainute bebe
I love the bracelet.
August 1, 2014Elizabeth Hawn
love your jewelry!
August 1, 2014Cheyenne
Those necklaces are totally cute.
August 1, 2014RaeSaysHey
I've been really into dainty necklaces lately! I love the wishbone one you are wearing here (:
August 1, 2014raesayshey.blogspot.com
Wishes and Reality
Love these jeans! Gorgeous look! Hope you have a great weekend.
Heidi D.
August 1, 2014http://www.wishesandreality.com
Love the jeans.
August 1, 2014Victoria GlamFizz
Nice bracelet!
Vici | GlamFizz
August 1, 2014or follow on Instagram
jessica rose
I love the zip details….pockets are a not always a girls best friend…especially jean pockets!
August 1, 2014http://vodkaandarose.blogspot.co.uk
Alela Sirah
Great pieces! Your looks always look so natural! As far as untangling your necklaces, use a small needle to separate the knots. If you go slow you will see the starting point of the tangle. It takes time so grab a glass of wine and hit the Tivo but it works!
August 1, 2014http://fashionablyspeakn.blogspot.com/2014/07/6-chic-summer-dresses-perfect-for-day.html
Jenny Tsang
My favorite all time jeans đ
xo Jenny
August 1, 2014†Tsangtastic.com
What beautiful jewelry!
Love from Munich, L
August 1, 2014Pialunja
The combination of white shirt and olive pants is perfect!
August 1, 2014Fashion latte with vanilla
Fortune Tarantola
Love the layered necklaces! So delicate & chic
August 1, 2014xxFTF
Love the dainty layered necklaces. But I completely agree and relate with the tangled mess. I got a tip from someone when traveling with dainty necklaces. Place your necklace in a gift box with the cotton pad and tape the necklace down with scotch tape. Helps it from moving around and arriving in a knotted mess.
August 1, 2014Daniella C
August 1, 2014xx
Love it, I'm mostly into statement necklaces but these are lovely.
August 1, 2014xoxo, Diana
The delicate necklaces are very pretty. However my eyes were drawn to your pants. Really like them, a lot.
August 2, 2014Liz Lauren
love this
August 2, 2014Rach Dulay
Love the layered necklace!
August 2, 2014Laura Mitbrodt
I love all of the layered necklaces:)
August 2, 2014xo
Aissa Carmela
i love the look of layered necklaces đ
Aissa // Layer It Up
August 2, 2014Jenn
The trick to untangling necklaces? Baby powder and a few pins. Sprinkle it on the knot and then start to pull apart the knot with the pins. Love your outfit!
August 2, 2014Olga K
Ok, u need two sharp pointed tweezers, a flat surface to work on , like glass or tabletop, then open all the locks and start untangling using both tweezers , kinda pooling everything apart and eventually work your thickest chains out then thinnest , that's how jewelers do it đ nap thanks for suggesting all those spots, last time that tip about governors island came in handy, I took a guest there , we had a nice day, also we went to Chelsea market, and a high line, I think u can take some amazing outfit photos on the Line with that background of Chelsea !! And my list of restaurants to visit has one more thanks to u đ
August 2, 2014Hope it helps, with the tweezers, otherwise I have to just do it for u)) just make sure tweezers have really pointy tip like a niddle , ok , good luck , Olga
Vlada Cotorobai
Love these cute necklaces!
August 2, 2014Marilyn
I use a couple pins to untangle delicate chains. It takes patience but the tips fit into the tiny links and you just gently wiggle and untangle.
August 3, 2014SophiaCharles
Love your delicate necklaces!
August 3, 2014http://sophiebysophia.blogspot.com
Sweets & Style
Beautiful details!
August 3, 2014XX
Great details and style!
August 3, 2014XO
The jewelry is too cute!
x Krizia
Shark Attack – Fashion Blog
August 3, 2014Kacie Cone
Gorgeous, those necklaces are so beautiful!
August 4, 2014Allison Weeks
I love the color of those pants! <3
Sweet Madame Blue
August 4, 2014Mieke Beelen
Love the red leather bracelet!
Check out my new post: http://nancy-mulhouse.blogspot.be/
August 4, 2014Jenni / ByJenni
I have a necklace that I can't detangle – I will definetly try one of the above suggestions.
August 12, 2014Usually I wrap my necklaces in foil to not tangle when I'm travelling.
Legen Sie Ihre HĂ€nde hinter dir, wies Fingerspitzen vom Körper weg, und dann nur sanft beginnen, Ihren Hintern weg von Ihren HĂ€nden scooch unten, bis Sie das GefĂŒhl, eine schöne Strecke durch die Schultern, die Brust und den Bizeps. Also noch einmal, diese beiden Strecken sind eine gute Möglichkeit, um die MobilitĂ€t zu erhalten und FlexibilitĂ€t in den Gelenken der Schultern und Ellbogen, und auch die Muskeln in den Armen wie den Bizeps gesund zu halten. Es sollte nicht als Ersatz fĂŒr professionelle medizinische Beratung, Diagnose oder Behandlung verwendet werden.
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Die Britannia Awards kommen nur zwei Wochen, nachdem die renovierte Hollywood Film Awards zog einige der gleichen Stars, aber es kann nie genug sein Hollywood-Preisverleihungen. TV-Netze liebe die Star-Power, Stars lieben die Auszeichnungen und Fans begeistern in der Schauspiel. Sie sind das ultimative Reality-Show, weil wir zu Zeugen unseres kulturellen Götter Gewinner und Verlierer ebenso wie der Rest von uns zu bekommen..
August 20, 2014Eea
Adore the jewerly.
Eea P
November 25, 2014http://www.eeapetrescu.com
This post is worthy of appreciation, looking forward to more exciting! Swarovski UK
January 13, 2016