Weekend Notes

July 16, 2023

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! We've been knee deep in kid stuff, from birthday parties to adventures around the city. On Thursday, we took the kids to Bryant Park and then Wonderland Dreams. My friend invited us and I went in with zero expectations, but was pleasantly surprised at how much we all enjoyed it. It ended up being a wonderful day.


My Top Amazon Prime Picks

July 11, 2023

Happy Prime day! Quite frankly, I think this year is better than many of the previous years. I'm taking it as an opportunity to stock up on things I already love, to buy the things I've been eyeing and for once, to get ahead of some gift-giving occasions like birthdays and the holidays.


My Maisonette Outlet Picks

June 21, 2023

I've mentioned before that Maisonette is one of my favorite shopping destinations. When I want something a bit more special for the kids or as a gift (other than the usual H&M and Zara), it's the first site that I visit. I love that they carry so many small brands and that they have such a large assortment of clothing, accessories and toys. Recently, they launched Maisonette Outlet where everything is up to 70% off! Kind of a big deal and I've already purchased several things I've been eyeing. 

Sharing some of my favorite for both boys and girls!


Six (Very Random) Things I’m Loving

June 13, 2023

For the past two weeks, I've been mentally logging the miscellaneous things, shows and podcasts that I cannot wait to tell my people about. When I say my people, that obviously means all of you. Quite frankly, it's really what got me into blogging to begin with. When I am really passionate about something, I want to share it with anyone that will listen. Even when that passion is about a new vitamin. Some, if not all of the below, I mentioned on instagram stories, but let's make it more official with an actual blog post. 


My Favorite Sales Happening Right Now

May 27, 2023

What is everyone up to this weekend? We're in Pennsylvania and having some of our friends over for the long weekend. No real plans except for the pool that opened up (there's one in the community) and lots of eating and drinking. 

There are so many sales happening, but I tried to keep it concise to a few of my favorites:


Our Girls Trip to Puerto Rico

May 25, 2023

Last month, I visited Puerto Rico, with five others, for a best friends Bachelorette Party. The last time I was there was actually for my bachelorette party, ten years ago.


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