Triumphs & Regrets of Moving During the Pandemic

January 19, 2022

A few months ago, I got into a conversation with several of you over my DMs about a topic I want to dive deeper into. It started with me going back and forth with one woman who made the move from Brooklyn, NY to a different state (unfortunately I cannot recall where) where the rest of her family still lived.

She shared with me how unhappy she was with her move and how she missed NYC every single day. We chatted via DM for a while and I truly commended her for taking that risk [of moving] to see if it was meant to be the right choice. Because ultimately, how do we really know if we don't try?

That conversation lead me to ask others about their experience; "Has anyone moved and regretted it?" Or conversely, "Has anyone moved and it was the best decision they could have made?" More on that below.

Admittedly, part of me asked for my own selfish reasons. I was and continue to be in a weird place with New York...


collage of weekly finds for January 10th

Weekly Favorites: January 10th

January 10, 2022

This week includes the pair of boots I haven't stopped wearing, the marble tray I've purchased several times, a new favorite Vitamin C and a few new purchases I've recently made. 


The Top Twelve: Your Favorite Purchases from my Recommendations

January 3, 2022

Hello! How was everyone's holiday? Ours was lovely, but like aways, it went by in the blink of an eye. We had so many things going on and while I'm a bit sad that they're over, I'm equally looking forward to a bit of slowness.

As we closed out the New Year, I turned to our wonderful community and asked what was your favorite purchase/recommendation that I made in the last year. There were a lot of answers, but I wanted to narrow down to the top ten that were mentioned over and over again. 

In no particular order: 

Here were the items mentioned the most, some over 100x!!


That Week Between

December 30, 2021

We've been spending the week in Pennsylvania and I've been living in lots of comfortable layers.


My Morning (Cold Weather) Skincare Routine

December 27, 2021

As the weather gets colder, I adjust my routine to incorporate more hydration! At night I tend to really layer on the "moisture sandwich," (a separate post) and during the day, a few extra layers. Here's what I use:


Holiday Slowdown

December 27, 2021

Despite the world circumstances for so many of us, I hope each and every one of you were able to find a sliver of happiness or joy this holiday. I cannot express how thankful I am for our community. Not only do I learn so much from all of you, but you all  inspire me on a daily basis.

We're heading up to Pennsylvania and I cannot tell you how much I'm looking forward to it! Keith and I both had incredibly busy months and we're finally getting a chance to sit down, take a deep breath (now that Christmas is over) and hang out as a family.


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