Weekend Notes | February 19th

February 19, 2022

Hi! Yesterday was Nate's last day of school before winter break and we drove up to Pennsylvania for a bit, driving back home after a few days and then I'm heading to Miami with the kids.


Vacation Edition: A Few Things I Got

February 17, 2022

Next week, we're heading on little getaway to Miami. This is going to be Nate's first flight since the pandemic and Sasha's first flight ever! In preparation for our trip and simultaneously, warmer months ahead, I've bought a few things for us.

collage of Spring Preview clothes

Spring Preview

February 16, 2022

While classic neutrals will always dominate my closet, I'm really looking forward to integrate some fresh color into my wardrobe. I've always been drawn to blue and green and find that they both pair so beautifully with the majority of what I (and most of us) already own. 


Winter Wear: A Casual Outfit Roundup

February 10, 2022

I rounded up some casual outfits, both new and a few older favorites that I've been repeating for my leisurely activities (school drop-off, pick-up, weekends, etc). 


Winter Wear: A Plaid Pop

February 7, 2022

We're in that winter point where the weather is still frigid, but it's pretty hard not to focus on the brighter days up ahead.  I've been finding myself browsing spring trends and brighter clothing on a daily basis.

collage of Coat Puffer Edit

The Coat & Puffer Edit

January 22, 2022

With winter in full force, I fully believe that we can do it in style. Here are my favorite outwear options, both in coats and puffers.
All collage images are clickable once you're within the post.


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