Leather Top: Rag & Bone thanks to Saks | Pants: Parker (in black here) | Shoes: Saint Laurent | Bag: Saint Laurent | Lipstick: MAC Red | Sunglasses: Ray BanThis leather top is one of those “luxury basic” items that I’m sure I’m going to be wearing for years to come. I’ve only owned it for about two weeks and I’ve already worn it three times.
Also, a lot of you have been asking about my hair and whether I gave up on the growing out process. Believe it or not, I’m still growing it out and the roots are fully there, especially in the inside of my hair. Some of you may remember me mentioning that I was going to visit the salon to speak about eventually going into a blonde ombre look. My hair girl listened to me, agreed that it was a good idea, but told me it was going to take a few more months before we could really go there (my roots need to be longer). In the meantime, she used two toners: one at my roots and one on the rest of hair so the contrast wasn’t so stark. So, in the above photos (and in the past few posts) all it is, is toner and a touch of “mini highlights” around my face & crown! It’s eventually going to wash out revealing my actual roots, but so far, it’s good enough to get me by. She suggested I come back in 6 weeks, or longer if I could stand it.
Also, I know I promised a Keratin Hair Treatment review and I did not forget! I just wanted to wait a few weeks so I can properly talk about the pros and the cons and give you my honest opinion. Promise to be posting about that next week!
Su nd Chris
Great combination, love the leather top!
xx Su http://fashiontwinstinct.blogspot.de/
September 11, 2013Jessica Joyce
Yes! I'm totally into blue and black these days. You just gave me another idea!
Your Friend, Jess
September 11, 2013Style-Squared
Awesome!!! Love the pants!!!:)
September 11, 2013https://m.facebook.com/StyleSquaredByZM
Fantastic pants and bag!
September 11, 2013RaeSaysHey
This style of pants is such a huge trend right now, I must try to find a pair. I feel like they only look good with some sort of heel though. Very nice outfit!
September 11, 2013lovein201
The bag is love! I can totally see this look going from day to night.
September 11, 2013.......
just got a skirt in that same color blue absolutely love how it looks! great hair update too! xx. gigi. http://www.gigikkitchen.blogspot.com
September 11, 2013Q
Love this outfit… simple but extremely effective.x
September 11, 2013Dana
IN LOVEEEEEEEE with this outfit! I need those pants immediately. And your hair looks gorg by the way – love what you're doing with it!
The Casual Classic
September 11, 2013Teresa
I love that shirt and those sandals are too die for! Love the colour of the pants it's perfect!
CHECK OUT MY NEW POST http://sapphire-brushstrokes.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/new-york-fashion-week-snow-flakes.html?m=1
September 11, 2013JaToya
Those shoes are amazing!
September 11, 2013http://www.thejatoyachronicles.blogspot.com
love the pants!!!
September 11, 2013Estherina's World
Love the bag!
Step into Estherina's World
September 11, 2013Jenny Tsang
Beautiful trousers!! xoxo excellent color 😉
❤ Jenny Tsang
September 11, 2013Lindsay
You are perfection. ADORE this look 🙂
September 11, 2013AVY
Pretty bag. Good luck with the hair.
September 11, 2013Karly Kim
you're so beautiful! I love this outfit.
September 11, 2013B Allen @ What2Wear
well your hair looks great and that leather top is definitely a closet staple!
September 11, 2013brooke @ what2wear
Kiwi Fashion Blog
Growing hair out can be painful but if you are patient it'd be worthwhile 🙂
September 11, 2013Chic Trends
Lovely look! And hang in there, the growing out process is difficult and can seem like it takes forever. I'm currently doing the same and it'll be a year next month and my hair is starting to look like "ombre" but I just want the color gone. It takes a while but certainly worth it. x
September 11, 2013Dana
A black leather top is high on my fall wish list! Love it with the bright pants.
September 11, 2013laviniah k
I love the electric blue pants and the heels!! Stunning
"Colour Crush"-My new post
September 11, 2013http://bffbestfootforward.blogspot.co.uk/
April Onebane
That leather button up is amazing. And your hair looks awesome. Looks like the keratin is killing it for you! Can't wait to hear about it.
September 11, 2013Elisa Taviti
Stunning! Love the combo!!
xx Elisa
September 11, 2013My Fantabulous World
Alela Sirah
Love this casual chic look!
September 11, 2013http://fashionablyspeakn.blogspot.com/2013/09/5-pant-silhouettes-you-need-for-fall.html
I went trough the same process with my hair, but after achieving "the perfect" ombre look, I got sick of it very fast(especially cuz it became such a huge trend). Now I want to bleach my hair, buy amazing brow pencil, and make it look like this with my new hair extensions: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=545379028862613&set=a.248975061836346.59854.245486782185174&type=1&theater
September 11, 2013My advice is to think twice before you go to hair salon 🙂 Good luck whatever you decide! xx
Leslie: DowntownHaute
LOOOOOVE Those pants in that color!
So cute!
September 11, 2013LinnaeDesign
Wow, I'm totally in love with this outfit! Love the color of your trousers! x
September 11, 2013melissa ward
This is one hott look swooning over those heels
September 11, 2013Dana
Love the bag and your hair looks pretty!
September 11, 2013http://www.stelladot.com/sites/DanaV
Blue Orchid
amazing look! love that colours! and shoes!
September 11, 2013youngmildandfree
Love that YSL bag! So chic.
September 11, 2013youngmildandfree.wordpress.com
Peonies and American Honey
Love this relaxed look on you. It is such a contrast after seeing you in so many structured outfits.
Peonies and American Honey
September 11, 2013Anonymous
We will never forget 9/11
September 11, 2013Adela
Love your pants! Great look.
Adela x
September 11, 2013Chrissabella
Love this look … so casual yet chic and this YSL bag is amazing!
Chris x
September 11, 2013FASHION SNAG
Love the leather top!
September 12, 2013Orange You Classy
love those pants!
September 12, 2013http://oyouclassy.com
Excellent combination of textures and colors.
September 12, 2013Lindsey Griffin
A beautiful leather top is definitely a worthy investment!
September 12, 2013Lindsey
Those shoes are to die for! But I don't understand how bloggers are wearing all those leather tops and dresses when it's 80 degrees in New York!! The things we do for fashion…
September 12, 2013xoxo,
Adrienne Scott-Trask
Great pants….such a fab color!
I am loving those shoes too! Perfection!
-Adrienne. xo
Citizen of the World
September 12, 2013Citizen of the World
What a great idea that you came up with with your hair dresser!! Your hair looks great! I love your leather top too!! Picked up a cute "vegan" aka pleather one at Target Boutique that is adorable and gives me a fun piece to work with!
September 12, 2013Denise Kirsch Oliveda
Linda cor de sua calça, mas gostei mesmo foi se seu sapato, lindo demais!
September 12, 2013abraço,
Denise – dojeitode.blogspot.com
Wow I'm in love with those pants! Loving royal for fall.
September 13, 2013Neon Papaya
love the pants
The Neon Papaya
The Neon Papaya
September 13, 2013Lily
That bag!!! <3
September 15, 2013Diana
Great outfit!!
September 16, 2013xoxo, Diana
Love your blog….Great shoes and bag
please feel free check out my beauty and fashion blog
September 18, 2013Rachel Bell
This outfit is amazing! From head to toe, definitely love the strappy shoes as well.
November 5, 2013-Rachel
In love with everything about this look, you look stunning and elegant.
June 25, 2014A Million Pinks
Amazing laidback look!
September 19, 2014Belle Valoure
Belle Valoure
September 28, 2014Free shipping every item every day
Hi Helena, I am considering a Brazilian Blowout/ Keratin treatment and would love to know your experiences and whether you still have them…
February 26, 2015Thank you (from a London reader)