I’m the first person to spend x amount of dollars on luxurious creams, lotions and oils, but there’s nothing that beats dry brushing your skin. I’ve been a serious advocate for dry brushing for years, that I’m honestly embarrassed at how long it’s taken me to talk about it on here. To the point where I’ll passionately discuss beauty routines and techniques and my friends will ask “why the hell haven’t you blogged about that..?” To which I have no good response. So, here we go:
I’m assuming that most of you fall into two categories: 1) you have no clue what dry brushing is or 2) you’ve heard about it, read about it, been seeing more and more information pop up about it, but you have yet to incorporate this into your routine. If you fall into neither of those categories and it’s something you’ve already been doing, kudos to you! It’s all sorts of amazing, right?
What is dry brushing?
The name says it all. It’s brushing your (dry) body with a an all natural bristle brush, in order to get dead cells off. My favorite time to do this is in the morning, right before I hop into the shower. This wakes my body right up, gets my blood flowing and makes me feel instantly invigorated. If doing this on a daily basis is too much for you, a couple of times a week is better than none.
What are the benefits of dry brushing?
Our skin is the largest organ and so many of us are obsessed with taking care of our face, but what about the rest of our body? Did you know that the skin plays a vital role in ridding the body of toxins and impurities?
Dry brushing is one of the best techniques to open up the pores of the skin and to stimulate and detoxify the lymphatic system. Dry brushing also helps aid in digestion, it stimulates circulation and it strengthens the immune system. Dry skin brushing will not only help increase circulation and the elimination of toxins, but it will be a a HUGE difference in the quality of your skin.
I initially started dry brushing after researching techniques on how to get rid of little bumps on my upper arms. After a few weeks, not only did the bumps go away, but the last time my skin felt that smooth was probably when I was born. On top of that, after dry brushing you will get a MUCH closer shave and any lotions, creams or oils that you apply after your shower, will melt into your skin like never before.
How to dry brush:
Right before you shower (so you can wash off all of your exfoliated, dead skin cells), get naked and begin brushing by starting at the tops of your feet and moving upward in circular motions towards your heart. Thats one thing to remember, always brush towards your heart.
Use long gentle, but firm, strokes. Then just follow your body and move to the legs, thighs and booty. Some people claim that dry brushing even reduces cellulite, so don’t forget the back and sides of your thighs where cellulite tends to be prevalent. Move up to your abs, arms and back, always brushing in the direction of your heart. I always like to give a little extra attention to the backs of my arms and my thigh area.
If you are a female, avoid brushing your breasts and for anyone, never brush your face. If you’re looking for a brush, I’ve been using this one.
So there you have it! Dry brushing 101. If you’re still a bit confused, you can watch this helpful video here. Let me know if all is clear and if you guys have any questions. I’d be happy to answer in the comment section below.
Carolyn Selheim-Miller
Wow I've never even heard of this before … I might have to try it!
February 23, 2015ravenlocks
I've been hearing about dry brushing for a while now. I never cared enough to read an entire article or blog post on it until I read yours 🙂 Now you've got me convinced lol. Thanks for sharing! This was fun to read.
xo Azu
February 23, 2015Anonymous
I dry brush occasionally but I think I need to find a stiffer brush!
February 23, 2015The Chic Times Magazine
Great post. I will be trying this out x
Ali | The Chic Times Magazine
February 23, 2015Mindy
First time I'm hearing about this! My arms and legs have been so dry from the weather I'm definitely considering giving this a try! Do you clean the brush with regular soap and water after each brushing?
February 23, 2015xo,
Mindy | Blonde Nouveau
Hi Mindy, yes! I'll just rinse it in the shower with a mild soap (or body wash) and water. I wash it about 2x a week.
February 24, 2015Sasa Zoe
Wow, this is awesome<3
Shall We Sasa
February 23, 2015Danielle
I just started dry brushing in the last couple months.I still haven't made it a habit (i keep forgetting when I'm in a hurry), but I definitely plan on changing that
February 23, 2015Alicia Victoria
Thanks for sharing! I have been hearing about this more and more and just have;t tried it yet. So hopefully this gets me to start trying it out.
xx Alicia
February 23, 2015Between the Pearls
I want to try this!
February 23, 2015Anceeta Martis
Love dry brushing and the tingly feeling afterward but I always forget and only remember once I am in the shower. So annoying when that happens!
February 23, 2015Grace - The Stripe
I 100% agree… I'm hooked on dry brushing and try to do it a few times every week. xx
February 23, 2015Melissa Tierney
interesting post!
February 23, 2015xo,
Wow, didn't know… Thanks for sharing!
February 23, 2015ani von ani-hearts
Eden Mint
Thanks for sharing, would love to start doing this.
February 23, 2015Pinja
Sounds interesting, need to try this in some point! 🙂
February 23, 2015The Style Circus
Never heard of it but it sounds absolutely great and logic. Need to keep this in mind – and thanks for sharing this with us!
Love, L
February 23, 2015RecalcitrantGirl
Another trend I will need to get on board with in order to feel complete! But yes, we try to clear our facial pores but one simply can't neglect the other regions of our body, I simply love the idea of exfoliating the entire body 🙂
February 23, 2015Elli
Never heard of dry brushing, but it sounds really interesting! 🙂 I´ll do some more reserch now 😀
xoxo Elisabeth
February 23, 2015Justi
Wow, gotta try it, thanks
February 23, 2015momochiclook
great post! I never heard of this but will try it, makes total sense! thanks for sharing…
February 23, 2015Angie Wilson
I love dry brushing, been doing it for years! Its especially effective prior to tanning!
xx Angie | http://thefashionfuse.com/
February 23, 2015Wishes & Reality
I've been hearing about this! After this winter I think I definitely need to give it a try!
February 23, 2015http://www.wishesandreality.com
The Office Stylist
This is very cool! I've never tried it before! Thanks for the advice and tips on using the best brushes! I should give it a try!
The Office Stylist
February 24, 2015http://www.theofficestylist.com
Glow on
I've read about dry brushing for a while but have never tried. I am very intrigued after reading your post.
February 24, 2015http://www.getchaglowon.com
Brazen Brunette
I feel like I have been reading so much about dry brushing, I definitely need to try it out! I get such bad bumps on my legs and it sounds like dry brushing could definitely help. Thanks for sharing Helena 🙂
February 24, 2015Suzie Q
I've heard about the benefits of dry brushing and actually did buy a brush a few years ago, which I think I only used a few times before I got too lazy, lol. However, your post has completely motivated me to start doing it again and try to stick with it this time!! Thanks for sharing!!
xo, Suzie Q
February 24, 2015StyleCueBySuzieQ.com
Girl and the Polka Dot
I've heard so many good things about dry brushing! It's time I start doing it
February 24, 2015http://www.girlandthepolkadot.com/
Great advices!
February 24, 2015Valentina
I already heard about this. Need to try it. Thanks for sharing!
February 24, 2015x Fiona THEDASHINGRIDER.com
Tailored and true
A new beauty regimen to try! Thanks for the article!
February 24, 2015ethan hunt
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February 24, 2015Yael Steren
Wow! This is so interesting!! Thanks for sharing! xo yael
February 24, 2015caroline
Interesting post!
February 24, 2015Jessica Hart
Such a great idea to do it right before you shower in the morning to get your blood flow as well as your day.
Jessica xo
February 24, 2015the way to my Hart
Annlouise Lindberg
Thanks for sharing! Great to know!
Sequins In Pink
February 24, 2015obat herbal paru-paru basah
aha nice post
nice share
February 25, 2015Shanice Romelus
Believe it or not I lost my favourite Dry Brush! After I lost it I totally fall out of the practice. I think I'm gonna start it up again
February 25, 2015Jamie
Great post! This is so interesting and thanks for sharing!
February 26, 2015http://blog.shoplinkz.com
Fashion and Frappes
Definitely going to try this!
February 27, 2015Aimee Carmichael
I bought a brush the other day.. And I can't wait to try it!!
February 27, 2015theaffluentfemale
Why have I never heard of this?!? Such a neat thing to know and I'll definitely try it out 🙂
February 28, 2015Shannon Marie
This is such a great post! Quick question – are the bumps you had on your arms on the upper backside part? I have had that pretty much all my life and nothing has ever worked. I definitely look forward to giving this a try 🙂
February 28, 2015Laura
This is very interesting. I've never heard of this before.
March 1, 2015GLOW Enhanz
great post..
very nice
March 2, 2015Hey Rita
I've never heard of this practice before but it makes so much sense! Thanks for sharing x
March 2, 2015http://heyrita.co.uk
hi there…brand new to reading your blog and just love it. I always have itchy skin in winter …. constantly and to the point of driving me batty. I was intrigued by this post. I have tried everything to solve this issue to no avail. I purchased the brush you reco'd and have used it 3 days now … NO ITCHING!!!! It's like a mini miracle in my life. I hope this continues. Like you said, I find it so invigorating … feels wonderful. I'm raving about it so much my husband wants to get his own brush!
March 2, 2015SJay
Oh nicee!!! This is one precious find!!! I am so buying Me some brushes this month!
^_^ I've featured one of Your instagram photos in My blog tonight, I hope You'll check that!!
March 4, 2015The Chronic Dreamer
Tonia Miller Douglas
Why not dry brush your face? Miranda Kerr swears by it, and there are brushes made specifically for your more delicate areas.
March 5, 2015http://TheBeginningofHappy.com
Helena, what body wash/moisturizer do you use? I read your post on avoiding foaming face wash and I wonder if you apply a similar theory to body washing? Thanks for any insight! -KKP
March 24, 2015uliah avril
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How to Properly Wash your Face {My Journey to Clear Skin} | Brooklyn Blonde
[…] it stimulates your facial muscles. This is what will keep our face looking young and vibrant. As dry brushing and stimulating circulation is key for the body, stimulating circulation in your face is also key. […]
March 14, 2016Pali
I really want to try this out! First time I’m hearing about this.
April 2, 2016Dana Ivy
I need to start doing this!! I’m all for anything that gets out the body toxins!
Xox Dana Ivy // http://www.iadorewhatilove.com
May 18, 2016I Adore What I Click // May 2016 - I Adore What I Love Blog
[…] According to Helena of The Brooklyn Blond, we ALL should be dry brushing our bodies. Get your dry brush […]
May 26, 2016Fashion and frappes
So I started dry brushing recently after reading your post. Honestly, even just for the tingly feeling after the bath its a good plan. Its almost like I have had a massage. But I was confused on the strokes since you say use circular motions and long strokes. Anyway, I guess I will figure it out!
June 29, 2016