There’s something special about summers in New York City. Sure, it gets pretty hot and muggy and sometimes you feel like your face might melt off, but that’s NYC for you. You take the good with the bad. Some of my very best memories happened during summers in the city. Below are a few of the ways I plan on spending my time…
Now open 7 days a week, Governors Island is one of the the most underrated destinations when visiting (or living in) NYC. There are a ton of things to do: hammock lounging, biking,
eating, history lessons, sports…etc. Also, if you’re around the weekend of August 16th, there’s the incredibly fun
Jazz Age Lawn Party. Definitely planning to go since I missed the last one.
Here’s how to easily get there.

It’s not a real summer without multiple visits to the beach. The Rockaways: I might be biased to the Rockaways since that’s where I grew up, but regardless, this is my favorite Beach in NYC. Whether you’re driving or taking the train, pack your bathing suit, sunscreen and plan to spend the day! Don’t forget to stop by Tacoway Beach (cash only and the fish tacos and plantains are my fav) while you’re out there. That’s reason enough to come!
{Coney Island}: As quintessential Brooklyn as it gets. Nathan’s hot dogs, The Cyclone rollercoaster, funnel cakes, baseball games and of course, the actual beach. Oh and love that Beyonce’s XO video was filmed here.

With good friends or a hot date, spending a warm summer night on a NYC rooftop is the best. While there are
a lot, my personal favorites are:
{Jimmy at the James}: a bit swanky with incredible views in the city. If you’re able to get here before the work crowd settles in (4-5PM), I highly recommend doing so! You’ll be able to snatch a seat and get comfy for some great people watching.
{Met Roof Garden & Martini Bar}: easily, one of my favorite ways to spend the day is to go and hang out at the Met and end up on their incredible roof garden bar, which has the best views of Central Park.
{The Skylark} I love getting a little dolled up and coming to this space for a great ambiance, the best views of The Empire State Building and some tasty cocktails! My favorite is the Aztec Empire, which includes tequila, cumin liqueur, chocolate bitters, cinnamon, red jalapeño & lime.

From the same creators as Sleep No More, Queen of the Night is another amazing experience. I don’t want to give too much away, since that defeats the whole purpose, but if you’re a person that’s open-minded, who’s up for an incredibly fun, sexy, theatrical night filled with plenty of food and drinks, I cannot recommend it enough. Tickets are steep ($175 each for VIP – which is the way to go), but look at it this way, that’s about the same amount you’d spend on dinner and a show. Come early, come hungry and come dressed up!
Okay, maybe not a real summer activity, but since it’s newish and going on through the summer, I had to put it on here. Get your tickets
Last, but certainly not least, I plan on trying a ton of places from my ‘must try’ list. Among the top are
Claudette, a new Provencal restaurant in the West Village.
Narcissa in the East Village, which I’ve had the pleasure of having drinks and appetizers at, but have yet to have dinner at. And for something sweet,
Hay Rosie Ice Cream in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn. My friend recently went and deemed it her new favorite. Apparently there’s a sriracha popcorn flavor!
I want to go there
thanks for share
June 27, 2014
Sasa Zoe
These are all my favorite things in NYC:)
June 27, 2014TERESA A
Great tourists tips! It would be nice to visit New York again and checkout some of these places.
June 27, 2014heather epstein
Never heard of Hay Roise Ice Cream! I need to check it out. I'm currently obsessed with Van Leeuwen's Ice Cream.
June 27, 2014heather
Alexsandra Bernhard
I am dying to visit NY sometime soon – thanks for sharing x
June 27, 2014
Coney Island and Rooftops are a must do for me 🙂
June 27, 2014jessica rose
I really wanted to spend Christmas in New York…now I want to spend the summer there as well..
June 27, 2014simply cintya,
I absolutely love this. Thank you for the recommendations.
June 27, 2014Dana
some of my favorite places!!! I missed the jazz festival too – such a bummer, but I'm glad theres another in August.
June 27, 2014Geraldine
Absolutely love this! Great post!!
June 27, 2014Lindsey Tollefson
I'm going to NYC in 2 weeks and I can't wait!
June 27, 2014Monica L.
Amazing tips! I visit NYC every day……in my dreams!:D
June 27, 2014
Alison Liaudat
Good tips ! Can't wait to go back there! ♥
June 27, 2014
Alela Sirah
I am a Cali girl but ever so often NYC calls my name! Great tips!
June 27, 2014
Thanks for the ideas! I just moved back into the city and will definitely try some of them out. I love the city in the summer too. It's the only time of year when people walk at a reasonable pace!
xo Julianne
June 27,
love this idea for the summer the city best place !!!
June 27, 2014Xo Rifka
Liz | Shopping My Closet
Great tips!
Liz @
June 27, 2014Weekly Style Me Wednesday link-up
Loved this post! Thanks for the ideas!
Visit my blog here ❧
June 27, 2014RaeSaysHey
My boyfriend and I are headed to NYC mid August to celebrate our anniversary (: Neither or us have been before so we're both super excited (: Thanks for the tips!
June 28,
Bia Vidaurre
You should do more posts like this one!!! You not only have a great sense of fashion but also give great tips about beauty and lifestyle! Keep doing it girl!! 😉
June 28, 2014Alterations Needed
Whaaaa? Queen of the Night? You've officially perked my curiosity, because I loved Sleep No More!
June 28, 2014Daniella C
June 28, 2014xx
It's on my bucket list to visit Coney Island someday.
x Krizia
Shark Attack – Fashion Blog
June 28, 2014Melissa Tierney
Such great images! Love the SATC gals on the beach <3
June 28, 2014xo,
Loving this post! It makes me wish I was in NYC for the summer! XO
June 28, 2014Laura Mitbrodt
Great tips!
June 29, 2014
Miss Pippi
I wish I could visit NYC this summer!
June 29, 2014Eleonora C.
Great advice! Hope to visit nyc!
June 29, 2014Follemente Fashion Blog also on Fashiolista and Bloglovin'
Great plan!
June 29, 2014Vale ♥
Great advice, been to NYC last time in July and it was so hot but so beautiful ! Can't wait to go back 🙂
Fashion and Cookies
June 29, 2014Facebook / G+ / Bloglovin
I like the fifth picture and would like to try it
June 30, 2014hilma
If I have a chance to NYC, I would follow these items.
June 30, 2014evionamissionblog
I love this post! Too bad I'm stuck here in Belgium and there's no NYC-trip planned in the near future.. Just keep putting up these posts and maybe, just maybe, I can convince my boyfriend for a Winter-trip next year! 😉
July 16, 2014