I wanted to share one of my favorite photos from 2013. I already shared it on
instagram months ago (shocker, right?), but it’s worth bringing it back a second time. Keith and I were in
Red Hook, camera in tow, and fortunately for us, he was able to capture this incredible moment of the sun setting directly behind the Statue of Liberty. Supposedly this exact moment only happens once a year.
Now 2014 is upon is and I have to admit, I fall into the cliche category of being excited about a new year and a fresh start. My biggest goal for 2013 was to plan
our wedding and because of that, it was the best year of my life. It’s going to be an impossible year to beat, but some of my goals and resolutions for this year:
*To have my usual outfit photos, but to also start incorporating other stuff. For example: When I asked what you guys want to see more of, many of you mentioned more New York posts like my food guide, so I promise to deliver!
*To travel, travel, travel! For me, I’d rather spend my money on traveling than on anything else. Life is about creating unforgettable memories and for me, there’s no better way to do that than to travel. I’m so excited to be starting out this year with a trip to Melbourne (more on that later) and a few months after that, Keith and I are planning to go on our Honeymoon. Oh yea, that’s another one of my goals: to finalize and plan that! In between those two bigger trips, I hope to have many mini getaways, even if it’s to go skiing or to recharge at a cozy cabin 2 hours away.

above photo via Pinterest
*To rediscover NYC. Like anyone, I have my favorite places that I visit
over and over again. While it’s nice to have your regular spots, I’m not going to lie, I’m getting a little bored. The other day I met my good friend,
Danny, at
Gruppo in the East Village/Alphabet City (his choice and such a good one) and I said to him: “you know what, I’m NEVER in this neighborhood and I know I’m missing out on so many little gems and so much good food..” So with that being said, I want to explore my city a whole lot more.
*Lastly, some of you may know that Keiko & I took the plunge on a big goal of ours and rented
a studio space. We’ve both been dreaming about having a place to work out of, a place to get creative and inspired in, a place we can use as a photo studio (both for our purposes and for others to rent), etc.. The goal for this year is to really get it moving. To have some type of “office hours” and to take it to the next level. Anytime I think about it, I get SO excited about the possibilities.
So there you have it! Some of my goals for this upcoming year. What are yours? I would love to hear!
Vlada Cotorobai
January 2, 2014jessica rose
I feel the same way about London….I do the same thing…go to the same places…..def need to expand into other areas…….the top photo is worth millions surely??
January 2, 2014Adela
That photos is gorgeous! Good luck with your goals! My main one is to make this my best year ever! Getting new job, moving to new place, working hard on my blog and growing it, travelling, do a photography course, be more pro-active etc. but mainly have fun 🙂
Adela x
January 2, 2014lalaspointofview
I've never been to NYC. It's one of my wishes for this year. And for the next one.. and the next one.
Everyone who has been there is so lucky. Amazing photos, by the way.
Happy new year.
January 2, 2014Elizabeth Hawn
great shots! i miss NYC so much
January 2, 2014Christina Lau
I completely agree with "rediscovering" NYC!! I live here as well and yet I feel like I miss out on so much. I wish I still enjoyed the city as much as tourists do! I'm excited to see posts from your travels and New York discoveries in 2014! Happy new year 🙂
January 2, 2014Sohl in the City
Gorgeous…got to love NYC…
January 2, 2014Elisa Taviti
NYC! So amazing!! *.*
Elisa – My Fantabulous World
January 2, 2014Dana
gorgeous gorgeous photo – amazing shot of the statue of liberty!! great resolutions too.. I have too many to count and need to narrow it down so that I can focus on the most important! LOVE reading your blog every day – thanks for putting such great material up!
January 2, 2014Q
Ahhh, a lovely photo of my city!
January 2, 2014Jennifer Colgrove
Such a beautiful photo! I love your resolutions – they are so genuine! You're adorable!
January 2, 2014http://www.visionsofvogue.com
I love all of your goals and plans for this year. Mine are pretty similar. I want to cook more. Travel around more in my own state (Texas). Be more intentional with downtime. Grow my blog. Connect with friends and meet new people. Carve out more quality time for my marriage. And have some dang fun!
January 2, 2014-Miranda
Great resolutions and congrats on the new studio space! WOW! That's EXCITING.
I'm still working on my resolutions but I recently grew my nails out (I'm a biter!), which I'd like to continue and also take more photos. A big goal to meet is 100k subscribers on my YouTube channel (acoest1984)
Happy new year, Helena!
January 2, 2014dipped in yellow
stunning shot! & wonderful resolutions! cheers to a new year! x
dipped in yellow
January 2, 2014Lusting for Leather
Great goals! I would love to travel and cook more and get back into dancing. I am also guilty of revisiting the same local spots around my apartment in NYC. I need to explore other neighborhoods more.
Check out my latest outfit post when you get a chance.
January 2, 2014Madame Ostrich
Yes girl. You gotta get out to East Village/Alphabet City more. Here are some of my favorites I thought I'd share..
Monday happy hour at Fonda (3rd street and avenue B): They have 6 dollar margaritas that will get you tipsy after one, absolutely sloshed after two. Also, they have half of food…and the food is delicious.
Manitobas (B between 6th and 7th streets): My favorite bar in NYC hands down. Best hideout for visiting rock n rollers. I've spotted Joan Jett, the Dead Kennedys, the Black Keys, Mike Ness.. and many more have passed through. Those are just the ones I've seen.
Via Della Pace (7th Street and 2nd Avenue): Hand's down the best "down home" authentic Italian food. On any given week day the restaurant is packed and about 90% of the people there are not speaking english… which is a good sign.
Two Bits Arcade (Essex and Rivington): Vintage arcade games and cheap booze. Need I say more?
Happy new year!
January 2, 2014madame-ostrich.com
I am talking on my blog about my No Buy New Year. Where I am determined to wear every piece of clothing in my drawers, closets, racks, and more before making any purchases. I want to re fall in love with my closet. The only time your allowed to buy clothing is when its a ridiculous sale that your going to hate yourself for not buying. Other then that no buy new year until everything is worn. Of course bottoms you can rewear and basics but you need to pair with a different piece in the closet. GOOD LUCK maybe one of you will this with me
January 2, 2014Kristi
Happy New Year, Helena!
January 2, 2014Love hearing about your goals for 2014! Travel is always at the top of my list along with keeping more regular 'business" hours
great plans! 🙂
January 2, 2014Orange You Classy
amazing. happy new year!!
January 2, 2014http://oyouclassy.com
great ideas!! xxo, Jamie
January 2, 2014http://www.candystilettos.com
fabulous ♥
January 2, 2014Megan
These are some really great goals! I love that you got a studio space. That is a dream of mine as well. I look forward to reading all the new things you post in 2014!
xo Megan, Lush to Blush
January 2, 2014J.Hart
Great resolutions! I'm working on figuring out mine now so these were definitely inspiring!
January 2, 2014Iliyana Licheva
awesome list! congrats for renting a studio for work 🙂
January 2, 2014Luci {Lucis Morsels}
Planning your wedding and getting married can't be beat. But this year will hopefully bring so many new exciting things. Very fun (and legit) with the studio. Excited for you and Keiko! Happy New Year!
Luci’s Morsels – fashion. food. frivolity.
January 3, 2014anoddgirl
do the best i can in my first year of university
January 3, 2014&
be surrounded by great people
Amazing picture, as are all of your photos! I am truly in love with your blog.
January 3, 2014Maggie Adofo
Happy New Year! 🙂
January 5, 2014Maggie A
Alexia Rebing
Can't wait to go to new york for the summer!
January 6, 2014Diana
Lovely photos!!
January 6, 2014xoxo, Diana
Under Cover Fashion Lover
This is a great blog for so many reason but for me just moving to NYC from Chicago I am very new and need to see EVERYTHING! If you are planning on posting more NYC stuff I will defiantly be back to see more and more! Also, I love fashion! 🙂 Happy Blogging!
January 16, 2014